You are responsible for the cleanup of the Beach House after your event. It should be left in the same condition as it was when you arrived.
- The counters, stove, tables, chairs, etc… need to be washed.
- Floors need to be swept. (Broom and dust pan are in the storage room)
- If you spill something mop it up. (Mop and bucket are in the storage room)
- Take all food and beverages with you when your event is over. Do not leave food or beverages inside the refrigerator or Beach House.
- Remove all trash generated by your event. Bag it up and take it with you.
- The use of confetti is not allowed, you will be responsible for any expense associated with cleaning up if used.
- Absolutely NO SMOKING allowed inside the Lake Salem Beach House.
- Decorations can be put up using tape or tacks. All decorations must be removed at the end of the event. You will be responsible for any damage to the facility caused by the decorations. (nails, screws, etc. are NOT allowed in the walls or woodwork)
- If your event is catered, it is your responsibility to inform the caterer of the rules and regulations stated above regarding the use of the Beach House.
Failure to follow these rules and regulations can result in additional cost for clean-up and you will be permanently banned from future use of the facility.
You will need to pick up the keys to the Beach House prior to your event at the Derby Town Office. Our normal business hours are from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday thru Thursday.
Please note that we are not open on Fridays, so for events on Friday, Saturday or Sunday you will need to pick up the keys on Thursday.
Derby Town Office
124 Main St
Derby Center
The kitchen is equipped with an electric stove, microwave, refrigerator, and sink for your use. You must supply your own plates, silverware, glasses, etc…
There are 8 tables and 64 chairs stored on rolling racks inside a storage room accessed thru the kitchen and should be returned to the storage room when you are finished. Simply unlock the door (yellow key) and grab as many tables and chair as you need. The rolling racks are a tight fit thru the doors and it goes much smoother with a person on each end. Please remember to wash the tables and chairs prior to returning them to the storage room.
You may return the keys after your event either by leaving them in drop box outside Town Office or you may return them in person the next business day.
In the event of an emergency outside of normal business hours call the Town Administrator at 802-356-6420.
Call: 802-766-4906
A new playground was installed in 2019
64 folding chairs and 8 folding tables are available for functions in the Beach House The chairs and tables are stored on rolling racks for easy access.
It is a tight fit getting the racks through the doors so please have someone on both ends
A small basic kitchen with a fridge, stove and microwave is available
A sandy Beach area, picnic tables, 2 charcoal grills, and volleyball net are available for everyone’s enjoyment There is a small handicap parking lot/loading and unloading area next to the building
Parking for all other visitors is available just before you get to the Beach House
Room for a tent for a gathering